Higher Education Pathways
Attending college can be a life-changing experience – and not just with financial potential! Yes – higher education can serve as an equalizer, potentially providing a vehicle for upward mobility and financial stability that may not be possible otherwise…but it can also change how one thinks, feels, and interacts with those around them.
The decision to go to college is a major one, and it’s useful to have a solid idea of what the options are and what the process looks like before embarking on this time-intensive and costly journey. The consideration isn’t just about whether one should go to college, but also the specific pathway itself which includes the type of institution, costs, location, level of degree, certifications, licenses, major, academic focus, class modality, student life, campus culture, career options, and more.
I am passionate about the empowerment higher education can bring and I encourage you to contact me if you are interested in discussing your potential academic and career pathways.
Useful Resources
Career Exploration
Use the O*NET Interest Profiler to help explore your interests and see how that relates to potential careers.
Programs / Degrees
Compare Colleges
Explore Majors & Careers
Application & Enrollment
College Application Process
Texas Common Application
Financial Aid & Scholarships
What are Grants & Scholarships?
Apply For Federal Aid
Locating Scholarships
Guidance & Support