
Eating Behavior & Mental Health


This program is designed specifically for those who are struggling with compulsive overeating, binge-eating episodes, and processed food addiction. Anchored out of an evidence-based nutritional backdrop and using various therapeutic techniques with an emphasis on cognitive-behavioral approaches, I aim to determine the extent of problematic eating patterns and work with you to create a personalized plan of action with the ultimate goal of achieving new cognitive and behavioral outcomes.

What to Expect

I’m currently practicing at a group private practice – Martin Counseling, PLLC in Katy, TX. When setting up our first session (the intake), you will be asked to complete some standard forms that should be completed before you arrive for the appointment. During the intake we will go over your completed forms together, and depending on your specific situation I will likely perform several screenings and/or assessments regarding your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors involving food. Most of the remaining time will be to learn more about you – I’m very interested in your regular routines, experiences, and goals. As we near the end of the session, and using what I’ve learned about you, I will provide recommendations and we will discuss how you’d like to move forward.



Other Members of Your Health Care Team

When working on maladaptive relationships with food, it is important to involve other health professionals considering the connection between the mind and body, and how any changes in your eating patterns could affect your overall health and bio markers.

It is strongly recommended that you consult with your physician throughout our work together, and in some cases it may be necessary to include the services of a registered dietician. Ideally your other health care professionals will also be well-versed and experienced with plant-based, whole food nutritional approaches. We can discuss this in more detail if necessary.

Matthew A. Webster, MA, MS, ED.D, LPC
Martin Counseling, PLLC in Katy, TX.